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Show Don't Tell

The book that I'm writing is important to me in many ways.

But one of the main reasons I write is to show my philosophy, that I've been developing through my life.

I respect all philosophers, but I don't want to be like so many of them that I start reading their books and want to kill myself out of boredom.

I want to give you the best story I can provide, which implies my philosophies to the end of the line.

Speaking of a good story, let's talk about a good Exposition.

Exposition is the way of the artist to give you the relevant information you need to know of the world or its characters to understand the story.

One thing to be careful of in Exposition is to provide just enough information: Not too much so that the reader would become bored and incurious, nor too little so that they'd feel stupid and confused.

In both cases, the reader would put down the book and do more fun things that don't mock their intelligence.

The rule 'Show Don't Tell' tried to help. It means that the writer implements the information in the story so the reader wouldn't feel like they're learning.

For example, if a character has anger issues, you wouldn't say, 'He was walking in the street trying to figure out how he got so angry at work that he threw a cup at his boss. Another one of those anger issues, he realized.'

No. Instead, you'll show, "Another thing to put on my head?! Don't you think five different assignments are enough?! You are making me crazy here!" he screamed, grabbing a coffee mug filled with cigarette butts from his table and throwing it at his boss.

Many writers bombard the reader with information at the beginning of the story so the reader wouldn't encounter obstacles later.

But this is also wrong. You use those bits of information to keep your reader curious.

As the story goes, you give more and more vital information, so that by the final act's climax the reader gets a crucial piece of knowledge that would leave them in awe.

Save the best for last.

So that's exactly right.

I don't want to tell you my philosophy. I want to show it to you.

And it's going to be fun.

*In the picture—me, letting our world's exposition sink in


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